The PSI Association
GNL GLOBAL is celebrating its annual event, this year in-person, in Cartagena, Colombia. The event will bring international and regional experts to discuss the Global and Latin American, and Caribbean LNG landscape.

GNL GLOBAL will hold its annual event, the 3rd GNL GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2023, this year in person at the Intercontinental Cartagena de Indias Hotel, Colombia.
The 3rd GNL GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2023, a 100% industry-focused event on LNG, will set the stage for gathering industry leaders in the region, developers, and international LNG experts to discuss the current market conditions, challenges and opportunities in the industry, and prospects for LNG trade in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
The topics to be discussed during the event include:
✳ Overview and analysis of global LNG trade; ✳ Impact of the European energy crisis on LAC; ✳ The role of LNG in LAC's energy transition; ✳ LNG supply and demand outlook in the region; ✳ LNG prices and spot market; ✳ Developments in the region: LNG projects (operational, under construction, and announced); ✳ Long-term contracts vs. spot market; ✳ Project financing; ✳ Floating technologies for LNG import and export (FLNG, FSRU, FSU); ✳ Small and medium-scale LNG developments; ✳ LNG in the transportation sector (such as marine fuel bunkering and for trucks);
Stay tuned for news updates!
Meet industry leaders and experts in LNG in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as our special international guests | October 2-4, 2023 | Cartagena, Colombia
Mark your calendars! Date: October 2-4, 2023 Register today: https://eventee.co/en/e/3rd-international-gnl-global-forum-2023-17224